kenny-george Kenny George Spurs Gigantism Debate - The Draft ReviewScience and political observer Dan Greenberg is calling for rule changes in light of teams with gigantic players. In his January 14th article posted on The Chronicle Review, Greenberg uses Kenny George, the 7-7 center from North Carolina Asheville, as his centerpiece to make his case against teams with giants.

In his article, Greenberg suggests that recruiting gigantic players is a growing trend and calls for the reform of basketball rules to even the playing field. Here's what Greenberg is saying:

"Clearly needed are carefully crafted handicap systems designed to neutralize the desirability and pernicious effects of giantism."

" ... the new scoring systems should deduct points for total team height or weight over specified amounts .... Exceed that amount and points would be shaved from any score."

"The need to hold down team height and weight would open the games to smaller players who now are excluded."

Greenberg is obviously catching some flack over the article. Most feel the idea of rules reform would in no way even the playing field as Greenberg suggests. Giants are few and far between, and for the height advantage Kenny George and his predecessors possess, consider the glaring negatives, like injury prone knees, inability to run the floor, and lack of playing time.

Nice try Mr. Greenberg, and no disrespect, but you just shot an air ball.

Players who have or are believed to have gigantism:

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